TeluguSongsLyrics follows the DMCA Policy regarding infringement.

TeluguSongsLyrics values intellectual property rights of others and will take any steps necessary to uphold them. If your copyrighted work has been posted without authorization and constitutes copyright infringement, please submit a DMCA takedown notice via our contact page at for removal.

Your DMCA takedown notice must contain the following informations:

  • An authenticated physical or electronic signature from an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of any allegedly infringing copyright interest.
  • Provide the details of any claim of copyright infringement; or in cases involving multiple works covered by one notification, provide a representative list.
  • Identification and details regarding the material that infringes upon their rights; AND information sufficient for TeluguSongsLyrics to locate it and contact you directly, such as an address, telephone number and, if available, email address.
  • You should state in good faith that the use of material in question does not meet with the permission of either its rightful owner, agent, or the law.
  • Include in your notification an affirmation under penalty of mendacity that all information provided in the notice is accurate, and that you are acting for the owner of any copyright rights that have allegedly been infringed upon.

    As soon as we receive your DMCA takedown notice, we will immediately remove or disable access to the material claimed to infringe and notify its alleged author(s). Should they dispute our claims of infringement, we will follow procedures outlined by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to resolve it.

    Please be aware that we may also remove or disable access to potentially infringing material if we receive an incomplete DMCA takedown notice, but will make every reasonable attempt to reach out and contact the individual accused before taking any immediate steps.

    If you have any queries about this DMCA Policy, please reach out to us by contacting for assistance